
This is what happens when you photobomb

You get invited to do a shoot for 5280! Well, yesterday Elliot, Aaron, and I were headed to Lime to meet up with Austin for Taco Tuesday. We cruised past a photo shoot and decided to photobomb them. We thought they would be pissed, like everyone else, but to our dismay we got invited to the shoot! We stuck around and shot for a half an hour or so. It was a shoot for urban living. I guess we fit the picture. Hopefully, we make it in the magazine.

Photo courtesy of Cary Jobe. Visit her site!


Xan Xan

Xanadu (Zan-ah-do) my little niece cat. She heard a blender.

Shred Machine

This guy was out for blood. You get in his way, you die. He played chicken with everyone. He was scary.


For those of you

who follow my blog, you are in for a lucky treat. Chrome is giving away free shoes, but you have to send in an old pair of shoes and have it post marked by tomorrow!

In an attempt to let the world know how committed they are to their footwear line, Chrome announces their Turds For Gold Shoe Exchange. For two days only, Chrome will be slinging a new pair of shoes to anyone that sends them a worn-out pair of kicks.

"There are a lot of great shoe brands out their but few, if any, are made to handle the harsh demands of riding in the city," says Chrome Marketing Director, Matt Sharkey.

“Our shoes are built to hold up under the toughest conditions and are designed 100% to address the needs of the everyday city cyclist. Not only did we want to build a shoe that was durable and functional, but we also paid close attention to overall fit and timeless style."

The exchange begins on Wednesday, March 17 and ends promptly the next day on Thursday, the 18th. Packages must be post marked by 3/18 to qualify and should include a return shipping address and shoe size info.

Please ship all packages to:
Chrome Industries
Attn: Turds for Gold/Sharkey
580 4th Street
San Francisco, CA 94107

I'm on derailer bicycle collective!

Skatan reminded me that I had some photos on there when my hair was way short.


I just wacked my shin and farted
-Alex Potter


Denver Oscar Party-MCA

Shot the at the MCA last Sunday. So much free food it was great, I forgot how much flavor there is in the world. Now I'm back to my ramen diet and it sucks.


Scanning film is a bitch. This is either Tri-X, HP5, or Forte.